**New** Consequences (CSI)
Chapter 2 *** Always Will Be
(Roswell) Chapter 12 **New** |
Memorable Moments - Chapters 1 2 3 Chapter One Gil POV I look up and meet Sara’s eyes with mine. She smiles encouragingly, her eyes sparkling with affection. After years of finding my words too slowly and missing her, it still warms my heart to know that now she’ll always wait for me to twist my tongue around whatever it is I want to say. I take a deep breath and gather my thoughts. I’ve been planning this for weeks, and have practised this speech at least a hundred times, but it’s a completely different matter to actually say it to Sara. This moment could change my life forever. She’s still smiling, and it gives me the courage I need to go for it. “It has been said that we need just three things in life: something to do, something to look forward to, and someone to love. The first one has never been a problem for me, but the others I didn’t even realise I was missing until I met you. Sara, I love you, and I look forward to every day spent with you.
Sara POV The moment he locks his gaze with mine, I can’t help but smile at the glorious mixture of love and anticipation I see swirling in those captivating blue depths. I can feel the nerves rolling off him in waves, and nothing in the world could drag me away before I hear what he has to say. Even if the lab calls and tells me we’re investigating the assassination of the president, I don’t care. He can wait. This is more important. He finally starts to speak, and I’m not sure I believe my ears. Is this… is he actually… does he really…? Just breathe Sara, breathe. Deep slow breaths, and let the man finish. “I wake up every evening with a smile on my face because I know it’s another day I’m spending with you, and when I go to sleep I dream of spending every day for the rest of my life in exactly the same way. I know you don’t believe in following tradition for tradition’s sake, so please believe me when I say this means so much more to me than a mere tradition.” The more he says, the faster my heart beats, and the more overwhelmed I become. I wasn’t prepared for this. In the movies, they always give you a big musical build up to the overpowering romantic moment. There was no music, and I’m caught off guard by the breathtaking feelings he’s evoking in me. I can’t believe he’s really doing this… he’s actually going to… and then we’ll… and he’ll… and I’ll… Thoughts and emotions are racing around in my head like a couple of Gil’s cockroaches, and I know I need to calm down or I’ll never make it through the rest of his speech. I start to recite the periodic table, which usually calms me right down, but I know I’m in trouble when I can’t remember what comes after ‘Hydrogen’. Through my mental fog, I feel Gil’s hand envelope mine. His ardent gaze burns through me, and my mind clears, his next words the only things that matter. “Traditions come from the head, but this comes straight from the heart; and one of the most important things I’ve learned by being with you is that, no matter how scary it may seem, you always have to follow your heart. I’m finally following mine, and the first thing it wants me to do is let the whole world know that Gil Grissom is madly in love with Sara Sidle.” I can feel my eyes welling up, and a few tears leak from the corners when he reaches into his pocket and holds out a tiny glittering ring. His voice shakes with emotion when he speaks again. “Sara. Will you marry me?”
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chance of EVER owning any of them! |